The Presidential Initiative on Science and Technology was started purposely to enhance the development of science and research in the country. The initiative seeks to advance scientific research through better funding and organisation. The initiative works through various bodies including the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), the Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (UNCST), Makerere University Institute of Science and Technology/Food Science, and the various research stations across the country. The initiative is recording success all over the country. For example, last year, a Ugandan scientist trying to use the soapberry plant to fight mosquitoes received US$400,000 from Presidential Initiative Fund. Miph Musoke, formerly at the Uganda Virus Research Institute and now a researcher at the privately-run Nkumba University, uses the soapberry plant, Phytolacca dodecandra, to kill the mosquito larvae. Musoke crushes the plant, locally known as Luwok...
Building the wall was Trump's signature campaign promise, and the White House appeared determined to get Congress to approve a down payment as part of a bigger bill to keep the US government funded. Donald Trump pressed for the funding of a Mexico border wall Sunday as a looming spending showdown in Congress threatens to shut down the US government on the president's 100th day in office. Building the wall was Trump's signature campaign promise, and the White House appeared determined to get Congress to approve a down payment as part of a bigger bill to keep the US government funded. Trump weighed in on Twitter, insisting Mexico will pay for the wall "but at a later date so we can get started early." "The Democrats don't want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members," he wrote. White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney said the administration is prepared to make conces...